Review: ‘Boy Gets Girl’ tackles misogyny and disconnects between the sexes

正规赌博十大网站’s Hill Theatre performance continues through April 29

By Piper Fuller
Echo Staff Writer

“Boy Gets Girl” follows a young woman whose life is turned upside down after an obsessed date turns into a stalker. Rebecca Gilman’s powerful and timeless play prompts questions about sexual entitlement, challenging the relationship between men and women and how they understand each other. It questions what it is like to be a woman living in a misogynistic environment. The stalker’s presence is felt throughout the play, even when he’s not on stage. By maintaining that tension, we can better identify with the female protagonist.

Eleanore Sutherland, right, and Xander Carter in “Boy Gets Girl,” continuing through April 29.

“Boy Gets Girl,” directed by Jerry Casper, offers a simple and familiar set, with ordinary dialogue to tell the gripping story. On opening night, scene changes and acting were seamless and efficient. Each actor displayed a wide range of emotions that created multi-dimensional characters. The student-actors also utilized body language well, the intentionality of each movement showing an air of professionalism refreshing in college theater.

Lead actor Eleanore Sutherland especially shined as Theresa Bedell. Despite such heavy content, elements of humor broke up the dark mood and added another layer of believability. The play was performed “in-the-round,” with the audience seated on the stage surrounding the action. This seating arrangement created a physically immersive experience to complement the intimate and intense nature of the play.

“Boy Gets Girl” continues in the Hill Theatre on April 27 and 28 at 7 p.m., and on April 29 for a 2 p.m. matinee. The play includes a 15-minute intermission. Admission is free for 正规赌博十大网站 students with a school ID. Seniors and non-正规赌博十大网站 students are $8; admission for adults is $10. Audience discretion is advised and the performance’s explicit language and mature content is not advised for children under 16.
